Trailhead Service Cloud
Soft Skills Learning Paths

Trailhead is an online platform where people learn how to use Salesforce products. Topics on Trailhead are organized into modules, which are broken up into units. At the end of each unit, users can earn points by completing a quiz or a challenge. A series of modules becomes a trail or learning path.

The Service Cloud marketing team wanted to expand the success they had using Trailhead for customer retention by offering more in-depth learning opportunities. The idea here was to increase customer adoption by adding lessons on the soft skills that compliment Service Cloud — skills that help people succeed as customer service agents in busy contact centers. I worked with the Service Cloud team together with top customer service coaches and consultants to develop an online curriculum that was fun and easy to understand.

In FY19, I contributed to the creation of two trails, consisting of eight modules, 24 units in total. This resulted in more than 58,000 badges being completed on Trailhead, representing 185% year-over-year growth overall and 196% year-over-year growth for Service Cloud business users. Completion rates were also higher than average (indicating a high level user engagement) with the highest completion rate achieved for an individual unit being 98.3%. 

Below are a few examples among the many that I developed for Trailhead.

Learn Techniques for Solving Customer Service Issues

Learning Objectives

After completing this unit, you’ll be able to:

  • Explain the value of active listening, critical thinking, and emotional intelligence in the contact center.

  • Identify practical ways to use active listening, critical thinking, and emotional intelligence while engaging with customers.

Mastering the Art of Customer Service

Customer service is a delicate balancing act requiring agents to simultaneously assess all the facts while addressing the customer’s emotions. Listening to both aspects of a conversation—the factual and the emotional—at the same time takes a little bit of mental jiujitsu. But with practice, anyone can do it. In this unit, you will learn how to develop active listening skills and apply critical thinking and emotional intelligence to master the art of customer service.

It All Starts with Active Listening

In everyday conversation, we often think more about what we’re going to say next than what the other person is currently saying. Active listening is different. When you listen actively you listen to understand, rather than listen to reply. 

When you work in a contact center, active listening means patiently hearing what the customer says and then repeating what they’ve said back to them. 

It’s a process with some back-and-forth that works like this.

  • Set aside judgements. Start with an open mind. Don’t form any conclusions or beliefs before you’ve heard all the customer has to say. To get the complete picture, ask open-ended questions such as, “And then what happened?”

  • Listen for emotions. Notice if the customer is angry, disappointed, or frustrated, and let them voice it. Unexpressed emotions tend to intensify, not dissipate. Let them know you’ve heard them by acknowledging their emotional tone: “I can see how frustrating that must have been.”

  • Listen for issues and impacts. It’s important to pinpoint exactly what has caused the customer to be upset in the first place so it can be addressed. Equally, you need to know how it has impacted the customer or their business. Acknowledge their concerns directly, for example, “I hear how this problem is putting you in an awkward situation.”

  • Repeat what the customer said. After listening carefully and completely, restate what you have heard in calm, objective wording. Start by saying something like, “If I’m understanding you correctly…” Then paraphrase what the customer said, and end by asking, “Do I understand that correctly?”

  • Get agreement. When you ask the customer to verify your summary, it’s fine if they disagree. Allow them to repeat, rephrase, or elaborate; then reflect your revised understanding back to them. Again, ask them if they agree. Repeat this step until you are in sync and potential solutions can be identified.

That’s active listening in the customer service setting in a nutshell. Here are a few more pointers to help you become a pro at it.

  • Let the customer speak without interruption. Interrupting a customer, even to agree or explain, will likely increase frustration and anger.

  • Be patient. Let them finish. Patience is perhaps the most important skill to have as a customer service agent.

  • Let the customer direct the conversation whenever possible. The meeting is their opportunity to get the whole story out on the table.

Assess the Situation with Critical Thinking

Many customer service calls are a jumble of facts and emotions. One of the most common challenges that agents encounter in the contact center is knowing which aspect of the customer’s complaint to address first. That’s where critical thinking comes into play.

When you use critical thinking, you are making an objective evaluation and analysis of an issue before forming a judgement. Critical thinking helps you stay calm and enables you to confidently sort issues into emotional and factual buckets so you can prioritize them appropriately in your response. Here are two examples that illustrate how critical thinking lets you assess the situation when you’re in the contact center.

Example 1: Let’s say you answer a call and the customer is reporting a service outage of a business-critical component. The customer is clearly unhappy but effectively relays the information in order to quickly get it fixed. In this case, the factual aspect is the service outage that should be prioritized over the emotional aspect of the complaint. So you offer a quick apology before letting the customer know that an emergency field technician is on the way to help. 

Example 2: Now imagine you work for a pet food company and get a call from someone who has obviously been crying and is struggling to explain that they need to cancel a recent order because their dog has died. In this case, the emotion clearly takes priority over the customer’s order cancellation. Regardless of the status of the order, you should acknowledge the customer’s emotion by giving sympathetic feedback first before asking for order details to handle the request. 

In the first example, the customer was upset but really just wanted a solution, so getting into the emotional component of the call wasn’t that important. In the second example, the customer needed to resolve an issue, but the emotion needed to be acknowledged first.

Repair the Damage with Emotional Intelligence

In a world where brand reputation is everything, simply resolving a product or service issue is not enough. It takes positive 1-1 interactions to repair any damage to the customer’s impression of the brand. 

While critical thinking helps you resolve the customer’s issue, emotional intelligence helps you repair the customer’s overall impression of the experience and relationship with the company. Emotional intelligence is composed of five essential elements. 

  1. Self-awareness: The ability to recognize your own emotions, strengths, weaknesses, and values, and how they affect others

  2. Self-regulation: The ability to control your emotions

  3. Empathy: The ability to sense and understand how others are feeling

  4. Social skills: The ability to manage relationships and build networks

  5. Motivation: The ability to use your emotional energy to achieve goals and overcome obstacles

Unexpressed issues, like unexpressed emotions, can get in the way of restoring trust. Use empathy and social skills to address the emotional aspects of the situation, concentrating on these three areas. 

  1. The customer’s impression regarding your assessment of the situation

  2. The customer’s satisfaction level with the solution

  3. The customer’s overall impression of the company after this experience

Run through a mental checklist to make sure you cover the above and help ensure your company maintains good relationships with its customers. 

Problem-solving is something contact centers always focus on. But the ability to digest incoming information, analyze it, and respond appropriately is a skill—and an immensely valuable one at that. When you start with active listening and add critical thinking and emotional intelligence, you can soon master the art of customer service.


1.) Active listening is listening to _________, rather than listening to reply.





2.) If a customer is only mildly upset and really just wants the problem fixed, what should you do?

A.Spend a lot of time apologizing up front.

B.Offer discounts and/or coupons.

C.Offer a quick apology and then explain how you will fix the problem.

D.Take your time assessing the problem before you respond.

3.) When you're listening actively you can repeat what the customer said but if they don't agree with your assessment, you should:

A.Let them explain the problem again so you can have a chance to repeat it again correctly.

B.Interrupt them and regain control of the conversation.

C.Offer to transfer the call to your supervisor.

D.Offer a refund right up front.

Check the Quiz to Earn 100 Points

Manage Dissatisfied Customers in the Contact Center

Learning Objectives

After completing this unit, you’ll be able to:

  • Manage dissatisfied customers.

  • Use the concept of the communication chain.

  • Preempt escalation.

Managing Dissatisfied Customers

If you work in a call center, you’re probably someone who is already pretty good at helping resolve customer concerns. But like everything in life, there’s always room for improvement. In this unit, you get tips that you can use to help resolve problems and retain customers.

The Communication Chain

Psychologists talk about a concept called the communication chain, which says that when a person expresses something verbally, they expect a response to that message. That first message is a “link” in the communication chain. If there’s no response to the link, the chain is left unlinked or broken. In order to build a communication chain, you need to acknowledge a customer’s concern.

Science tells us we have two different parts of the brain that serve two different functions. The right side is where we feel emotions, like fear, joy, dread, shock, love. The left side of the brain is the logical side. This is where we perform tasks that have to do with logic, like science and math.

When someone contacts customer service, that person expects a response after venting frustration or concern. If they don’t get it, the conversation may move to the right side of the brain and become more emotional. You learned about the importance of acknowledging the customer’s emotional tone in the first unit. When a customer expresses concern, anger, or frustration and is not acknowledged, they might get even more upset.

So let’s see how the idea of the communication chain can help you approach the emotional aspect of a conversation.

If a customer expresses concern and you don’t acknowledge it, you break the chain, which can send the conversation into the right side of the brain, where they may feel frustrated, angry, or confused. You can have a more productive conversation when your customer is operating in the left brain. By acknowledging a customer’s concern, you encourage that customer to use the left, or more logical side, of their brain and simultaneously keep the conversation moving forward by closing that link in the communication chain.

Phrases to Link the Communication Chain

The idea is to link the communication chain with genuine acknowledgement of the customer’s concern. Just put yourself in the customer’s place. Putting yourself in the customer’s shoes gives you a sense of empathy, and all you have to do is relay that empathy back to your customer. That’s really all acknowledgement is: empathy. 

Here are some examples of how to acknowledge concern through various channels.

By Phone

  • “I can see your point.”

  • “I realize this has been frustrating for you.”

  • “I understand and will do my best to take care of this for you.”

  • “We want to get to the bottom of this.”

In Social Media

“Hey, Myra… yikes, sorry! Would you mind sending a DM with the best way to reach you? We’ll get this sorted out for you.”

In a Chat

“I understand your frustration. Let’s get this sorted out.”

In a Text

“I’m sorry for the inconvenience. Let me look into this for you.”

How You Can Preempt Escalation

When helping a customer who is already unhappy, the situation can easily spiral out of hand if you make a misstep in the interaction. Here are three steps to help you remember how to stay on message and keep the customer calm: Understand. Explain. Address.

Understand. Repeat what the customer says so they know you understand and acknowledge their concern.

Explain. Calmly explain the current status of the situation to the customer.

Address. Tell the customer what you can do to address the issue.

How to Handle a Customer Who Is Already Upset

Here’s what you can do when you encounter someone on the phone who is already dissatisfied. 

Start by acknowledging the customer’s concern genuinely. Then cover these three things.

  • Here’s what we know.

  • Here’s what we’ve done.

  • Here’s what’s next.

Here’s an example of an agent using these steps in a real-world situation.

  • “Here’s what we know: Your luggage did not appear on the carousel after your flight landed.”

  • “Here’s what we’ve done: We’ve asked security personnel to review video footage from that date and time to see if they spot anyone taking your luggage.”

  • “Here’s what’s next: We will let you know if our security cameras picked up anything. You will need to file a police report and notify your insurance company. Your insurance company may be able to compensate you for the loss.”

Acknowledging that the customer has a valid concern is the best way to de-escalate and resolve issues. When you deploy the approaches above, you will have a much higher degree of success.


+100 points

1.) What is the first thing agents need to do when encountering a customer who is already upset?

A.Ask the customer how their day is going.

B.Offer a discount or a free product to appease the customer.

C.Acknowledge the customer's concern.

D.Take responsibility for the problem.

2.) In order to build a communication chain, you need to:

A.Ensure you have the customer's contact information in case the call drops.

B.Take a multi-channel approach to customer service.

C.Connect all the facts together so you can solve issues quickly.

D.Acknowledge the customer's concerns and emotions as well as facts.

3.) What's a good way to preempt escalation when handling an upset customer?

A.Explain to the customer, "Life isn't fair."

B.Use the Understand, Explain, Address approach.

C.Tell the customer, "That's not really my department."

D.Transfer the call to your manager.

Check the Quiz to Earn 100 Points


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